Your central vacuum system is probably one of your most valuable cleaning tools. But time and regular use can hamper its efficiency.

It only takes a comprehensive 20-Point Tune-up to get it running like new again. Your central vacuum’s only purpose in life is to protect your family’s health and thoroughly clean your home. All it asks for in return is occasional tender loving care.

The service doesn’t cost much with our Tune-up Deal, but it can make a world of difference. Only $125 (normally $150) when you mention you saw this offer on the website.  A detailed description of our comprehensive 20-point central vacuum tune-up is below. Call us at 207-783-2902 today to schedule an appointment!

1. Tighten intake, exhaust and line clamps.
2. Inspect internal motor plate gasket for proper sealing.
3. Inspect motor, transformer & relay for proper function.
4. Tighten dirt canister clamps, if needed.
5. Inspect dirt canister gasket.
6. Empty & clean dirt canister.
7. Clean power unit exterior.
8. Confirm warranty registration information.
9. Check utility valve operation.
10. Check filter.
11. Check inlet valve switches for proper functionality.
12. Check inlet valves for proper seating.
13. Tighten all inlet valve screws and level, if needed.
14. Run a pressure check on entire system.
15. Troubleshoot any leakage found.
16. Clean and inspect all standard tools.
17. Clean powerbrush (limit 1).
18. Check hoses for air leaks and obstructions.
19. Ensure hose rack is installed and secure.
20. Ensure hose sock is tied and securely in place.